There are consequences to action or lack of action.
There are consequences to yes, to no, to maybe.
There are consequences to every turn of the card,
To every roll of the dice, to every spin of the wheel.
Every cause becomes effect, every effect becomes cause.
Creation becomes destruction, destruction becomes creation.
There is no end to the kaleidoscoping wheel of quantum persuasion,
But through awareness that eternity is but an unending ephemeral moment.
* * * *
There is only one eternal moment,
And it is ever the prior-to-consciousness awareness
Of the ephemeral right-here-right-now.
* * * *
Awareness is aware of every point and particle of the manifest dreamtime.
It is aware of every kaleidoscoping matrix quantum moment throughout all eternity.
The many creations it omnisciently witnesses are aware of it only rarely, if ever.
To awaken to the awareness, the indelible mystery within and without,
To wander through the reverie, conscious of the omniscience,
Is a center stage role available to all, but offered to few.
* * * *
Awareness is the unknowable source of all intelligence.
Creation is but the sequential means of its eternal quantum potential
For dreaming whatever its kaleidoscoping matrix of a mystery has in no-mind store.
* * * *
Curious so many believe Jesus is going to save them,
When he could not even manage to save himself as more than a myth.
Besides which, every living thing already has eternal life,
So what is there to save, what is there to lose?
* * * *
The irony and paradox of eternal life is that the living is in the dying.
So obvious, so clear, guileless, as to be unintelligible,
To all but the most astute eye and ear.
* * * *
The world, the cosmos, will consume your body, your mind, your dream, as it does everything else.
The real you, however, is eternally immortal, indivisible, untouched, ever aware.
It is That which is never born, That which never dies.
* * * *
To perceive the human paradigm
As anything more than a temporal fabrication of vanity,
Is to miss the indivisible, unblemished, immortal awareness permeating all eternity.
The illusory quantum dreamtime is but a means to all the endings
That are harvested from all the beginnings,
None of which ever really truly even once happened.
* * * *
59 Moments to Me, My Self, and I
59 Moments to Truth or Consequences
59 Moments to Diddly-Squat
59 Moments to Okey-Dokey
59 Moments to Eternity
59 Moments to Oblivion
59 Moments to Laissez-Faire
59 Moments to Mystery
59 Moments to So It Goes
59 Moments to Fearlessness
59 Moments to Timelessness
59 Moments to Truth
59 Moments to Born Anew
59 Moments to Nirvana
59 Moments to Passé
59 Moments to Godlessness
59 Moments to God
59 Moments to Rationalism
59 Moments to Existentialism
59 Moments to Annihilation
59 Moments to Common Sense
59 Moments to Discernment
59 Moments to Critical Thinking
59 Moments to Gumption
59 Moments to Grit
59 Moments to Resourcefulness
59 Moments to Imagination
59 Moments to Inventiveness
59 Moments to Creativity
59 Moments to Wit
59 Moments to History
59 Moments to Born Again
59 Moments to Ingenuity
59 Moments to Enterprise
59 Moments to Reality
59 Moments to Absurdity
59 Moments to Humility
59 Moments to Hopelessness
59 Moments to Minimalism
59 Moments to Evermore
59 Moments to Hedonism
59 Moments to Discipline
59 Moments to Narcissism
59 Moments to Ecstasy
59 Moments to Buddha
59 Moments to Null and Void
59 Moments to Emptiness
59 Moments to Nothingness
59 Moments to Now
59 Moments to Here
59 Moments to Here Now
59 Moments to Negation
59 Moments to Anarchy
59 Moments to Skepticism
59 Moments to Cynicism
59 Moments to Pessimism
59 Moments to Doubt
59 Moments to Nihilism
59 Moments to Bullshit
59 Moments to Om
59 Moments to Quantum
59 Moments to Abyss
59 Moments to Agnostic
59 Moments to Atheism
59 Moments to Freethinking
59 Moments to Belief
59 Moments to Death
59 Moments to Eternal Life
59 Moments to Nonbelief
59 Moments to Illusion
59 Moments to Delusion
59 Moments to Matrix
59 Moments to Craving
59 Moments to Satisfaction
59 Moments to Contentment
59 Moments to Immortality
59 Moments to Solitude
59 Moments to No Other
59 Moments to Detachment
59 Moments to Singularity
59 Moments to Totality
59 Moments to Absoluteness
59 Moments to Indivisibility
59 Moments to Success
59 Moments to Failure
59 Moments to Happiness
59 Moments to Sorrow
59 Moments to Joy
59 Moments to Oneness
59 Moments to Ecstasy
59 Moments to Infinity
59 Moments to Infinitesimalibility
59 Moments to Peace
59 Moments to Freedom
59 Moments to the Beyond the Pale
59 Moments to Perfection
59 Moments to Imperfection
59 Moments to Tranquility
59 Moments to Bliss
59 Moments to Meditation
59 Moments to Contemplation
59 Moments to Acuteness
59 Moments to Obtuseness
59 Moments to Heaven
59 Moments to Hell
59 Moments to Perdition
59 Moments to Brahman
59 Moments to Samadhi
59 Moments to the End of Time
59 Moments to the Beginning of Time
59 Moments to the Success in Failure
59 Moments to the Failure in Success
59 Moments to Future-Past
59 Moments to Serendipity
59 Moments to Dharma
59 Moments to Artha
59 Moments to Karma
59 Moments to Moksha
59 Moments to Go
59 Moments to Dreamtime
59 Moments to Pause
59 Moments to Stop
59 Moments to Separation
59 Moments to Unity
59 Moments to By Golly
59 Moments to the Great Pfft!
59 Moments to Manifest Destiny
59 Moments to Unmanifest Destiny
59 Moments to the End Before All Beginnings
59 Moments to the Beginning After all Ends
59 Moments to Ad Infinitum
59 Moments to Et Cetera
59 Moments … To Be Continued
* * * *
You are the mystery, eternally infinite, indelible, alone.
All else, all other, all new, all old, all anything, all everything,
Are but imaginary notions, no matter how seemingly real and true.
Time and space are but illusion fashioned by the sensory quantum mind.
This ever-present, ever-motionless, unborn-undying moment, is all there truly is.
All experience, all knowledge, all rumination, is ultimately but an inconsequential dream.
* * * *
What you are is a quantum configuration.
What could possibly be real or true about that?
Is a statue carved of marble the statue or the marble?
Enjoy the magical mystery tour as best you may,
But try to remember, at least occasionally,
A dream is all it is, was, will ever be,
In the indivisibility of eternity.
* * * *
Is the journey to eternity a long and winding road,
Or merely the right-here-right-now of this ever-present moment?
Imagination or awareness, you choose.
* * * *
If you run or stand or sit or lie absolutely present in the here now,
Unattached to, unburdened by, any thoughts, any things,
Breathing in, breathing out, in perfect awareness,
The nothing more, the nothing less, the nothing but,
You will realign with the simplicity, the grace, the harmony,
The indivisible, the eternal virtuousness that nature every moment is.
* * * *
Nature is permeated with an eternal grace,
That consciousness through knowing can never attain.
Only in full awakening and surrender to the underlying awareness,
Can any ever realign with the ultimate reality upon which all creation functions.
* * * *
Such is the fleeting-ungraspable-immeasurable quantum nature of eternity,
That the senses forever lull all but the most judicious minds,
Into a hypnotic state of unavoidable delusion.
Surely as indelibly binding as the instinctual patterning,
Of any other creature this ineffable garden orb has ever fashioned.
* * * *
Such is fleeting-ungraspable-immeasurable nature of eternity’s quantum play,
That the senses ever hypnotize the deluded mind into believing it all real and true.
* * * *
Timeless awareness is continually usurped by time-bound imagination.
Awareness is now, awareness is undying, awareness is eternal life.
Imagination is the dream of past and future, imagination is eternal death.
Knowledge and identification are artificial, knowledge and identification are dead.
To exist in the present, to exist unequivocally, to exist eternally, one must forget everything.
* * * *
Imagination is the usurper of perpetual, everlasting, undying eternal life,
It has created time and contrived mind into every permutation of Self, imaginable.
It has woven light and sound into arbitrary meaning, and deified shimmer and vibration.
It has commandeered truth, and interminably manipulated it into deceit after deceit after deceit.
And nature, alas, poor nature, so many crimes in every way, so many crimes to every end.
* * * *
The challenge is letting go of the cacophony ever playing out in our aloneness.
We spend so much time questing the most unadorned reality the mystery has to offer,
Yet there it is: the awareness, the witness, the enigma, peering out from behind every mask.
What need for religion? What need for spirituality? What need for belief, faith, prayer, scripture?
What need for heavens and hells and purgatories, deities and demons, mythologies, icons, sacraments?
What need for messiahs, saints, priesthoods, traditions, superstitions, caste systems, groupthinks?
What need for philosophies, dogmas, ethics, laws, principles, doctrines, idols, mystic powers?
What need for cathedrals, temples, shrines, holy places, titles, hierarchies, dress codes?
What need for dualistic or non-dualistic concepts, or any light or sound shows?
Why worship what you are? Eternity is right here right now, timeless.
Merely being the awareness is all there is: You are it, it is You.
Anything less is nothing more than the trickster mind,
Playing its more-more-more imagination game.
* * * *
Awareness is the timeless, spaceless, right here, right now, eternal moment,
Which human consciousness, ever strives to define or explain or categorize or analyze
Or evaluate or capture or predict or limit or expand or mythologize, in every way imagination allows.
You are inexorably drawn into the delusionary morass of the illusion inspired by the senses.
The indefinable is indefinable; what is not obvious, not unequivocal, about that?
* * * *
Thought is a transitory interloper of eternity.
Space-time is but a distracting illusion of consciousness.
An evolutionary hiccup in the unwritten chronicles
Of the quantum mystery’s pathless nature.
* * * *
It is the mind no longer enticed by the sensory paradigm,
Done with the dreamtime fabrications of imagination,
That returns to the immaculate eternal awareness
That it is … has always been … will ever be.
* * * *
The world, the cosmos, all form, all light, all shadow,
Is but a temporal perception of the mind born of mystery,
In which the quantum ground every moment seamlessly weaves
An ever-changing eternal tapestry of creation-preservation-destruction.
An eternal play to which you are center-stage witness in every form imaginable.
* * * *
How can a dream, as tangible, as substantial as it may seem, ever be measured?
Even science, incisive as it for all practical purposes appears to be,
Is ultimately little more than another fallacious creed.
The mystery is the mystery is the mystery,
Eternally inscrutable,
No matter how penetrating the mind.
* * * *
Believe any who-what-where-when-why-how you will,
There is no supreme divinity out there choreographing your every move.
You are nothing more than eternal awareness, very much alone,
Playing out a temporal, mortal dream of consciousness.
Navigating it free of all claims is the challenge.
* * * *
There is no deity greater or lesser than You.
All are founded of the same eternal mystery.
* * * *
Eternal life, living fully in the moment, is to waylay all past, all future.
As if nothing has never happened; as if nothing will never happen again.
* * * *
The eternal mystery of awareness,
Beneath an anonymous, ever-kaleidoscoping mask,
Is all you truly are, all you have ever truly been, all you will ever truly be.
If seers keep repeating the same mantra over and over, it is because that is all it boils down to,
Every time the vanity of any given monkey-mind yearns for more.
* * * *
To divide eternity by space-time constraints,
Requires mathematical systems of such scale and proportion,
As to plumb the greatest minds, bound by time as they are, unto their greatest depths.
* * * *
Here you are right now, timelessly eternal.
Nothing before or since has ever happened.
* * * *
The imaginary you is a function of fluctuating consciousness.
Consciousness is a function of the quantum synergy.
The quantum is a function of still awareness.
Awareness is a function of ageless eternity.
Eternity is a function of the ineffable mystery.
All of which comes full circle back to the real you.
* * * *
In the existential mind, there is no one to reproach; the eternal moment is all.
Which makes you responsible for everything you choose to do,
As well as everything you choose not to do.
Perhaps an onerous assertion, but as true as any truth is.
* * * *
What are you but a dream of perception,
In a dream of consciousness,
In a dream of mind,
In a dream of time,
In a dream of eternity.
* * * *
Christ was not a Christian, why should you be?
Buddha was not a Buddhist, why should you be?
Lao Tzu was not a Taoist, why should you be?
Ist’s and Ism’s, what are they to the eternal?
* * * *
You can tell those who perceive themselves on the losing end of the culture wars
By the way they continually refashion their labels and symbols,
And work so hard for recognition and approval;
Only just maybe discerning, that empowerment blooms within.
Assume it so, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, is the way of the eternal warrior.
* * * *
A replete and content existence may well be less about what is accomplished,
Than the attention, the awareness, that is given to as many fleeting moments as possible.
Time is but the illusion-delusion of sensory-inspired memory, and the imagination it casts future past.
Eternal life is in the perpetual birth and death of each and every indivisible instant.
* * * *
The gap between awareness and consciousness,
Is the same as the one between eternity and time.
* * * *
You are this set of biological functions; you are not this set of biological functions.
You are this set of bodily networks; you are not this set of bodily networks.
You are this set of perceptions; you are not this set of perceptions.
You are this set of memories; you are not this set of memories.
You are this set of truths; you are not this set of truths.
You are this set of falsehoods; you are not this set of falsehoods.
You are this set of likes; you are not this set of likes.
You are this set of dislikes; you are not this set of dislikes.
You are this set of successes; you are not this set of successes.
You are this set of failures; you are not this set of failures.
You are this set of references; you are not this set of references.
You are this set of preferences; you are not this set of preferences.
You are this set of intentions; you are not this set of intentions.
You are this set of desires; you are not this set of desires.
You are this set of fears; you are not this set of fears.
You are this set of reflections; you are not this set of reflections.
You are this set of pleasures; you are not this set of pleasures.
You are this set of pains; you are not this set of pains.
You are this set of vanities; you are not this set of vanities.
You are this set of sensations; you are not this set of sensations.
You are this set of connections; you are not this set of connections.
Your story, your tale, your narrative, your history, your sense of self,
Is but a temporal play of imagination in eternity’s misty mystery,
And is, for all practical purpose, forgotten as soon as it began.
* * * *
You in the utter aloneness of pure awareness are the eternal nowness, the eternal life,
Playing the quantum matrix real, timelessly witnessing the mystery you are,
The mystery you have ever been, the mystery you will ever be.
* * * *
All creation is really as modern as it is ancient; all creation is really as ancient as it is modern.
The relativity of the dreamtime you are streamlessly witnessing, and believing so real,
Is tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of years, both ago and hence.
Each and every part and particle very much eternally ever-present,
In all the incalculable pasts, all the incalculable futures, that the indelible awareness,
In every way and shape and manner, simultaneously permeates in this indivisible quantum theater.
* * * *
The mind is swept up by the windy senses
Into an imaginary existence fashioned by nature-nurture.
To discern the ultimate reality, awareness must release into its eternal abyss.
True nature, true Self, is prior to any and all dimensions in this beyond-boggling mystery you are.
* * * *
To be at peace, to align with the eternal way,
You must discern the final course, the ultimate tack.
You must leave behind the sphere of imaginary knowing.
You must still the busy mind into its eternal unknown,
Into the awareness prior to little-self consciousness.
* * * *
Awareness moves not.
It is ever-present, ephemeral, eternal.
Only a very still, very composed, very attentive mind,
Can discern it the singular source of all consciousness, of all dreamtime,
Of all creation, of all preservation, of all destruction.
And from before all beginnings,
To after all endings,
It is all the you, you truly are.
* * * *
What is that which is called god by so many names but an impersonal all and nothing,
An implausible totality so absolute, so timeless, as to be everything and nothing all the while.
An eternal quantum mystery so intrinsic as to be and not be simultaneously in every pointless point.
How is it humankind is not genuinely, beyond doubt, humbled by its relative insignificance?
* * * *
Breathing in, breathing out, as fully, as deeply as you can,
Is as much as the mystery of eternity can offer.
It is as present as you can ever be.
* * * *
Living and dying each and every moment is the way of the mind given over,
To the mysterious ever-emanating nowness of eternal awareness.
Space-time is but the illusion of the neuron trail.
* * * *
And from what might you hope you can be rescued?
Misfortune? Conflict? Suffering? Pain? Death?
If you truly fathomed what life and death are,
You might well perceive eternity’s harmonic ballet,
Playing out each and every twinkling, before your very eyes.
That birth and death are but temporal illusions of mind-body consciousness.
That the you, to which you subscribe, is in reality nothing more than a figment of imagination.
Eternal life is the stillness of the unborn-undying awareness, You every instant are,
Witnessing the reverie of a quantum matrix, born of a quantum mind.
* * * *
From the ultimate quantum view,
The so-called evil deed is as indivisible as the good one.
Consciousness is not in any way as important to the infinity of eternity,
As the egocentric, ethnocentric, geocentric, heliiocentric mind, in its limited visions assumes.
The temporal individual-tribal mind is to be transcended, not embraced.
* * * *
Time is a function of imagination.
Awareness is a function of eternity.
* * * *
I who am, I what am, I where am, I when am, I why am, I how am,
How can any me, any myself, any I, ever be anything but the same mystery,
The same upwelling, the same unknown, the same abyss, the same quantum essence,
Eternally ever-present, timelessly streaming, indivisibly emanating, unremittingly enduring,
Ever witnessing the kaleidoscoping dream of creation and preservation and destruction,
Through the awareness of the given seed, and its passage through the winds of mind.
* * * *
You are, have ever been, will ever be, the same eternal, indivisible, sovereign, immortal Self.
It is only the nature-nurture, the times and spaces, the minds and bodies,
The cultures and language, and everything other,
That appear to change.
* * * *
More eternity.
Even more eternity.
The stillness, the timelessness of the aloneness, is the essential nature of all eternity.
* * * *
Nothing exists but the eternal now, and even that is a dubious assumption.
* * * *
Eternity, more eternity, even more eternity.
A student of time rooted in eternity.
* * * *
There is no other, only me, ethereally eternal, forever present.