Breadcrumbs 2015



How can there be even a trace of loneliness,

Once the eternal aloneness of the ultimate nature is discerned?

It is not a thing to be dreaded or forestalled once the monkey-mind is transcended.

Embracing its indivisible sanctity is the truest religion.


* * * *

The thoughts of time mixed and remixed times beyond counting.

Who knows what was scribbled when or where,

And why would it matter?

Wisdom is the coin of eternity.


* * * *

This universe, this world, was not created by meekness,

By fear, by hope, by political correctness, by any absurdity whatsoever.

The vagaries of the human condition are but a hiccup in the kaleidoscoping eternal theater.


* * * *

Religious fervor ebbs and flows, rises and falls, in the bell curves of space-time.

Eternal life is the essence, the genesis, of the ever-present now,

The born again-ness of each and every moment.


* * * *

It is your desire for more and fear of less that leaves you time-bound,

That leaves the born-again-death of eternal life ever just out of reach.


* * * *

Go to that state of solitude, that awareness before to time,

That eternal here-now prior to consciousness,

Where no other has never abided.

That placeless place,

The source code of creation.


* * * *

The only way you fabricate the perception of past or future

It through the eternal, very present nowness of awareness.


* * * *

Neither happy nor sad, kind nor bitter, humble nor vain,

The eternal awareness of the quantum essence simply is.


* * * *

You already are the eternal life of the quantum indivisibility.

The only question is whether or not you have discerned it.


* * * *

The crashing waves are not the eternal ocean

From which they rush foaming across the sand.


* * * *

Between the nowness of eternity and the dream of mind,

‘Tis a ceaseless in and out … in and out … in and out …


* * * *

Why is this moment so fresh, so clear?

Because the present is where eternity abides.

The quantum nowness is the only reality possible.


* * * *

Until you discern the wonder

Of the unfolding eternal moment,

You will never truly see Eden.


* * * *

Duality exists only in the dreamtime of consciousness.

Reality is singular through and through for all eternity.


* * * *

We are all witness to the eternal Way.

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.

Equal participants in this game of charades.


* * * *

Do the math, do the words, do the music, do the dance, do the whatever,

They all double-double-toil-and-trouble down to the same eternal emptiness,

The least common denominator of the ever-most-excellent Great Nada.


* * * *

What is a day in the nothingness of eternity?

And would seven of them really be any more?


* * * *

Stream of consciousness, stream of imagination, stream of mind.

Call it what you will, it is the same eternal mystery

Playing out however it will.


* * * *

To discern the eternal life, the myriad binds of mind must be undone.

Cut the Gordian Knot of consciousness to discern the freest state of mind.


* * * *

From the eternal eye of awareness

Through the sensory plays of all existence,

An infinity of universes are created.


* * * *

What does it take to waylay the conditioning,

But the momentary attentiveness called by some eternal life,

That which is prior to the mind-body, and the dream to which it is so attached.


* * * *

To be at peace, to be immersed in the ultimate awareness

That this mortal dreamtime offers in each and every streaming moment,

What greater quality of mind could there be than the intangible brass ring of eternal life?


* * * *

Pure awareness, agnostic, totally attentive,

Fully absorbed in the eternal moment,

Is the highest state of beingness.


* * * *

You are the same awareness, the same oneness,

That has witnessed all eternity and its countless creations.

Only imagination lost in vanity pretends otherwise.


* * * *

What need to believe in anything, really,

Once the eternal beingnesss of awareness

Resumes its default position at the helm.


* * * *

Mind-altering substances across this magical world are the gift of eternity to its Self.

The challenge, given their hedonistic potential, is a certain level of moderation,

And how well you utilize them for right purpose, at least once in a while.


* * * *

An unseen force, in which all existence rises and falls,

An ocean churning for whatever time eternity gives way.


* * * *

The you that you play is but history.

The You that You really are is eternal.


* * * *

This awareness of the oneness is the capstone,

The distillation of experience and knowledge into wisdom,

The eternal insight into the immortal essence

Of a mortal existence well spent.


* * * *

To be as a child is to return to that indivisible state of pure, eternal awareness,

Prior to the smoke-ridden consciousness to which time requires subscription.


* * * *

If you always do your best, if you always strive in a mindset of quality, of excellence, of virtue,

Then succeeding or failing is only of cursory consequence, a relatively negligible detail.

Process is all, and goals merely imaginary pauses along the eternal journey.


* * * *

You are that which is mystery, that which is unknowable, that which is eternal,

That which is prior to all attributes, all properties, all characteristics, all arrangements,

That which is prior to all the divisions, all the dualities, all the contrasts, born of consciousness.


* * * *

All groups, all cultures, since the origin of language,

Have used their natural environment to communicate their world.

The sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, the climate, the geographical features,

The myriad fellow creatures from small to great, all played parts in every mythological paradigm.

In these our modern times, we use our own creations to decipher the universe about us.

Technologies, politics, religion, business, media, personalities, ad infinitum.

Every conceivable mind-made, artificial, contrived invention,

Has all but usurped the relationship with nature.

The rules of the game are ever the same,

But ignorance leaves us deaf and blind and dumb,

To the one and only reality, that all creation is eternally interwoven,

At such an indivisible level, as to make any part, absolutely inseparable from anything else.

Imagination, and all its fabricated notions, all its dualistic concoctions,

May believe it can control this biosphere, this cosmos,

But it cannot make-believe for long,

Much less forever.


* * * *

To live fully in the moment requires that every moment be immediately perceived and released.

Life eternal is an ephemeral quality of mind, a state of unconditional detachment,

In which the you that is the timeless awareness prior to consciousness

Observes without giving weight to the incessant vanities

Of the fictional me-myself-and-I that you imagine your Self to be.


* * * *

Thought is the stagnancy in which the mind harbors the notion of existence.

Only in awareness is the quantum essence playing at the cutting edge of dreamtime.

Thought is death, awareness, life eternal; the conceptions of consciousness merely vibration,

Waves crashing upon neuron shoals, naught but imagination confabulating sensory perception real.


* * * *

How attentively can you listen, and for how long,

To a babbling brook, to a roaring river, to a crashing wave,

They who babble and roar and crash ever eternal.

The no-mind, the mind without mind,

Is a mind full of eternity.


* * * *

Awareness is the eternal purity, the eternal clarity, of all dreamtimes.

The silky-smooth elixir, the cosmic brew of those rare few

Called to discern, to witness, the only reality.

Source to all, source to none.


* * * *

Human consciousness is really nothing more than imagination

Playing an eternal game of hide and seek with its imaginary self.


* * * *

No new technology can more than offer brief respite, brief reprieve,

From the consequences of its accelerating exponential.

Fingers can only plug any dike for so long

Against the indivisible vibrancy of eternal nature.


* * * *

Lives ripple through all the lives they meet: friend, acquaintance, foe …

And through all the lives they meet: friend, acquaintance, foe …

And through all the lives they meet … And through …

For as long as memory holds fast against the tides of eternity.


* * * *

The awareness you truly are is but eternal witness

Bound in one form or another, trapped in one patterning or another,

For as long as there is a manifest theater, a matrix, for dreams of consciousness to wander.

The inexplicable universe is but a quantum playground in which you will act out

Whatever agonies and ecstasies the given patterning allocates.

There is no escape; you are a captive of time.

Enjoy or suffer; attitude is all.


* * * *

Understand the union, the merging, the yoga,

Is not about the mind-body about which you are so vain,

But the you that is the eternal awareness in the all and nothing of it.

The inexplicable cannot be made any more explicable.


* * * *

From nothing to something, from something to nothing,

All things emerging, all things disappearing, all things forming, all things dissolving.

The ocean, the source, ever tranquil, ever indivisible, ever absolute,

The many patterns nothing more than appearances,

Winds blowing, currents flowing.

All attributes nothing more than vibrating elements,

The primal chaos creating-preserving-destroying, the synchronicity of eternity.


* * * *

The insights, the revelations of eternity, are for any,

With the wit, the calling, to discern its timeless truth.


* * * *

Pure observation without measurement, pure awareness without movement,

Without ripple, without wake, without time, without space,

Is not that the highest form of science?

Is not that the way to discern the reality of the eternal

Within and without the within and without that has never really existed?


* * * *

Believing you know is but a false security to which most minds cling.

To a be as a child, alone and free; to be this instant, unborn and undying;

Is to be the mind realigned with the eternal moment and its inherent insecurity.


* * * *

The challenge is to get back to the timeless garden, the eternal Eden,

Of which no other animal on this spinning orb has ever lost vision.


* * * *

Still the busy mind, and without giving anything any thought, simply be the awareness.

Give full attention to each of the senses: the eyes that see, the ears that hear,

The tongue that tastes, the nose that smells, the flesh that feels.

Pay attention to the momentary now, ever-streaming

Through the neural network to the central processing unit.

Where is your world, where is your universe, without the given mind

Projecting, reflecting, through the byzantine filters fabricated of imagination?

All creation is but the ceaseless patterning of nature-nurture set in motion some long ago.

A handiwork that has never been anything but an indivisible quantum matrix,

Never more than an inexplicable dreamtime of unknowable origin.

And the eternal unborn-enduring-undying awareness,

Witness to it all, you are it, and it is you.


* * * *

There it is again, beneath all the interminable facades of conscious design,

The essential as-real-as-it-gets youness, right here, right now,

Eternally present in an ever-timeless sort of way.

You are the irrefutable awareness.

There is no other.


* * * *

You are the mystery of you, the wonder of you, the eternity of you.

Only sensory perception, imaginary notion, separate you

From that most inescapably authentic reality.

Realize it, grapple it, know it, be it.


* * * *

To awaken to eternity, you, the inexplicable awareness,

Must doubt everything to such a great degree

As to be able to shake off the mind and senses entirely.

To become so inwardly at peace as to be neither mind nor body.

A state of timeless beingness for which few have either capacity or inclination.


* * * *

Even as quickly as sensory news travels through the synapses to the brain,

By the time it filters, by the time it registers, in the given mind,

The ever-present now has indivisibly streamed on.

As immeasurable as it may seem,

Even eternal life cannot keep up with reality.


* * * *

To be agnostic, to be uncertain, is to explore for your Self,

No direction known, no answers sought, no conclusions made,

Is to be as eternally present as consciousness in space-time allows.


* * * *

Most life forms exist in a choiceless eternal vulnerability,

That knows neither birth nor death, nor any measurable notion.

Instinct is the patterning established in all through the Darwinian shaping,

Of each and every genomic strand, over millions and millions of years of evolution.

Consciousness, as the human ego fields it, assumes an invulnerability that is utterly fictional.

The assumption of free will, of choice, despite all illusions to the contrary,

Is every moment shackled to the instinctual roots of origin.

To suppose that you are truly and completely free,

That you have reign over your choices,

Is a dubious assertion, indeed.

The ultimate truth of it is,

That in any manifest dreamtime,

You can no more alter the given part you play,

Than any other living thing acting out its minute function,

In this inexplicable, indelible, indivisible, immutable, cosmic hologram,

Born in the vapors of imagination moving to and fro in the clear space of awareness.

To give over to the vulnerability you in reality ever are, is a reflective view to which few are drawn.


* * * *

The weight of the world is but imaginary notion.

Still the mind, ignore the senses, waylay all the desires and fears.

Attend the awareness prior to consciousness, and, poof,

The world disappears in the mists of eternity.


* * * *

Stop believing all the deceptions the conditioned mind endlessly weaves.

You are the eternal awareness: nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.


* * * *

The clock hands go round and round and round, and you ever the same.

Whoo-hoo for eternity playing out the dream of space and time

In the awareness of your most thunder, perfect mind.


* * * *

What is heaven, what is hell, but potentials of mind given over to equanimity or volatility.

What more can any ask of their dreamtime than to have a mind at peace with its Self,

A mind that is content, a mind that is serene, a mind that is eternal unto its origin.


* * * *

There is only the timeless instant, the eternal moment.

There is only right here, there is only right now.

There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow.

In the ever-present hereness-nowness of the indivisible ever is.

There is no past, there is no future, there is no ever was, there is no will ever be.


* * * *

To recondition the mind into being timelessly ever-present,

Rather than being lost in time-bound imagery,

That is the eternal challenge.


* * * *

Doubt will carry you to whatever falsehood you can abide,

And then on to the next and the next and the next and the next and the next,

Until you finally achieve that eternal moment where there are no more untruths to be had,

That unutterable, timeless realization where you finally, indelibly discern

That you are, and have always been, and will ever be,

The way and the truth and the life.

There is no other,

Playing out every possibility.


* * * *

In every end, it will be as it was in every beginning,

As it was in every meridian and every twinkling in every between,

And as it is in every imaginable before, as it is in every imaginable after, as well.

Any notion that your “youness” is in any way separate from the eternal

Is nothing more than the delusion of the sensory mind-body.


* * * *

Each and every timeless, streaming moment passes the same.

Call it second, call it minute, call it hour, call it day, call it night, call it this year or that,

It is ever the same quantum eternity dancing in its own illumination,

And you, the awareness, its creator and witness.


* * * *

The eternal salvation so many glibly guarantee is up to you to alone discern.

Even if you follow a trusted guide up an arduous, rocky mountain trail,

You are still required to endure each and every step along the way.


* * * *

What is the universe but a quantum creation spun of nothing,

And every existence witness to a unique cosmos of patterned design,

As devised by the senses in their eternal perception of the winds of illusion.


* * * *

What sense can perceive the eternal conundrum of awareness?

What attribute can prove it? What word can define it? What mind can bind it?

Awareness is the sovereignty of all things imperceptible, unprovable, indefinable, unbindable.


* * * *

You are the eternal awareness experiencing manifest form.

To die to the little self is not physical death, but psychic death.

It is awakening, it is being born again, into the Self you truly are.


* * * *

You have always been very much alone.

Your attempts to avoid it have always proven futile.

It is your eternal nature no matter the diversity streaming about.


* * * *

Somehow the mysterious indivisible quantum glue of the eternal now

Holds together each and every streaming holograph moment one into the next.

It is just all too fucking boggling for consciousness to ever wrap its wee little mind around.


* * * *

At some point in the hereness, at some point in the nowness,

Some minds, bit by bit, little by little, awaken to the given conditioning.

Awaken to the great doubt, the great question, and in that calamity of consciousness,

Begin a long and winding and solitary journey towards eternal reunion.


* * * *

Those who would explore the expanses of the eternal mind

Will wander through many cycles of limbo, of anguish, of despair.

In the play of consciousness, there are no heights without nadirs between.


* * * *

The sea of awareness knows no time,

Knows no space, is bound by no limitation.

What words could ever suffice to expound eternity?


* * * *

All mythologies are mind-made narratives; none abide in the eternal abyss.

They are not foundations to anything more than arbitrary, capricious cultural memes.

Thumb-sucking security blankets for those unable to endure alone the winds of temporal illusion.


* * * *

The weaving of doubt and negation are the magic carpet, the ruby slippers,

That will get you back to the integrity of the eternal mind,

The virtuousness of the eternal life.


* * * *

There is much more faith in timelessly abiding in the awareness of the given moment,

Accepting whatever gifts, enduring whatever tortures, the eternal dreamtime manifests,

Than can ever be concocted by any fear-based belief system fabricated of the human mind.


* * * *

All belief systems of mortal persuasion are fear-based, greed-laced, and mundanely played.

It takes much more courage to stand alone, absolute and free in the indivisible dreamtime of eternity,

Than it ever will milling about, mindlessly ditto-heading with any time-bound, idolatrous herd.


* * * *

Your mortal stance, when contrasted to the eternity you truly are,

Is really no longer than that of a fruit fly, or even the universe.

What is it that entices you to believe this worldly theater real?


* * * *

You are That I Am

Which is born again and again anew

In each and every eternally kaleidoscoping immortal moment.


* * * *

Despite all groupthink to the contrary, you must work out your own eternal salvation.

Believing, hoping, praying, that some other will do it for you misses the reality.

Embracing agnostic oblivion is the true potential offered by awareness.


* * * *

Real and true peace is an unattainable ideal for the passionate mind.

Only in the stillness of eternal awareness is its true realization attained.


* * * *

What is consciousness but wave after wave bound to attributes.

Awareness is the nothingness, the unknowable unknown of eternity,

Prior to all dimensions, all imaginary dreams of space and time.


* * * *

Birth is a moment like this, death is a moment like this,

And the eternal life between is filled with moments like this.


* * * *

You are but a momentary portal to that which is unknowable.

An ephemeral window between what is and what is not,

In which the eternal witness has the opportunity

To observe its Self through a worldly dream.


* * * *

Awareness is a solitary quality of mind, a state of timelessness, of eternal life.

And if you are to awaken to it, you must awaken alone,

For no one can do it for you.


* * * *

Death will arrive in a moment very much like this one,

With consciousness coming to an end, and eternity steadfastly carrying on,

Without the you as you have come to know it in the identification with the mind-body dreamtime.

The one and only real you, that you always are, have always been, will ever be.


* * * *

To fathom all you are, to fathom all you are not,

To discern the ultimate reality of this enigmatic eternal awareness,

You must examine the given life, the given mind, the given body, both within and without,

Catching and releasing any and every form, any and every thought,

Until only you in still awareness remain.


* * * *

Each and every moment, inhaled and exhaled, examined and released.

The eternal life is not for those who cling to the imaginary concoctions of mind.

The vague memories of all that is ever come and gone, is not real living.

It is the stillness of awareness that is the fountain of existence.


* * * *

From the immeasurable mystery of eternal nothingness,

The churning quantum of creation and preservation and destruction,

An ever-emanating juggernaut beyond all reckoning,

The eternal nothingness all the while.


* * * *

How can this unfathomable mystery not be boggling prior to and beyond all belief?

What need for faith? What need for religion? What need for philosophy?

What need for anything but to meld into the timeless nature,

The eternal awareness pervading all creation.

What need to more than realize the indelible enigma of it,

And to freely blossom into the inexplicable reality that you are it, it is you.


* * * *

The mind that craves more, more, and still more.

Has everything but eternal life, sometimes called heaven.

Something to do with camels and eyes of needles.


* * * *

The personal mind, the quantum mind, the cosmic mind, the eternal mind, the no-mind,

Are all the same ephemeral awareness, the same witness, the same youness,

Really nothing more than alternating frames of consciousness,

Filtering as the whimsical moment inclines.


* * * *

You are this eternal nowness, and this eternal nowness is you.

This is the one and only nowness awareness ever is, has ever been, will ever be.

In some soon-to-be mind-body space-time, you will be “doing” something else in the same nowness.

And still later, it will be the same awareness “doing” something else in the same nowness.

The timeless mind prior to the kaleidoscoping dreamtime is ever the same.

Eternal life is being mindful in an empty-mind sort of way.


* * * *

We are all witness, ever alone, ever absolute, in our own unique version of a universe.

We are all right, we are all wrong, each and every one, each and every eternal moment.


* * * *

The same eternal source in all timelessly witnesses all.

It is the omnipresent-omnipotent-omniscient undying force.

Ageless, changeless, perpetual, unending, interminable, transient,

Immeasurable, inestimable, everlasting, boundless, infinite, immortal.


* * * *

What is eternal life but the ephemeral awareness you truly are,

Paying as much attention as possible to the one-moment-at-a-time universe,

To which the given sensory mind-body dreamtime of temporal consciousness subscribes.


* * * *

What is real meditation

But the turning off of time-bound imagination

For a brief wander in eternity.


* * * *

The momentary awareness perceives through the senses

What the mind born of the quantum essence has engineered.

Always something to see, to hear, to touch, to taste, to smell,

Yet ever the eternal nothingness in each and every while.


* * * *

What is the point, what is the reality, of any story, any chronicle, any history,

Once all trace, all recollection, of it has been lost in the mists of eternity.

Ask the forest tree, fallen and decaying, unwitnessed and unheard.


* * * *

Where is the difference? Where is the attribute? Where is the transformation?

Where is anything in the mystery of mysteries, that which is eternally indivisible?


* * * *

What is death but the end of time, the end of space,

The return to the eternal indivisibility that all ever are.

Nothing to fear, nothing to doubt, simply the way it truly is.


* * * *

To be the undying awareness is to wander without attachment to the dream of mind,

To endure, free of time, free of all the agonies and ecstasies imagination musters into notion.

Eternal existence is for the rarest of the rare, those few and far flung who render themselves whole.

One must be absolutely fearless to ascertain the immutable immortality

They are, have ever been, will ever be.


* * * *

Are you streaming through space-time, or is it timelessly appearing through you?

What is this inexplicable, impenetrable, indelible, incomprehensible,

Indecipherable, inscrutable, inseparable mystery,

But an indivisible emanation of the ephemeral eternity you are.


* * * *

All time, all history, all narration, whether individual or cultural,

Is nothing more than the play of consciousness, a paradigm of imagination.

All illusion, all delusion, all nothing more than the existential collusion of memory cells.

You are, have ever been, will ever be, the ever-present, right-here-right-now of eternal awareness,

The singular observer, the solitary wanderer, in the infinite-infinitesimal

Of nothing more, nothing less, nothing but.


* * * *

The eternal life offered by pure awareness is the one and only true religion.

It has no name, and requires no faith, no scripture, no dogma,

No idols, no symbols, no priesthood, no followers.

Those who believe otherwise muddle in the fog of vanity.


* * * *

All patterns are created of illusion.

From the indivisible, all creation arises, all creation subsides.

There is naught but eternal unicity.


* * * *

The explorer of consciousness is very much alone

In the maze-like concourses of the eternal fabric,

The imaginary hologram of the passionate mind.


* * * *

Who-what-where-when-why-how creates this kaleidoscoping theater of dreamtime,

But the eternal awareness neither within nor without the quandaries of imagination.


* * * *

There is only the here-now, there is only eternal life.

All vain notions about it are ultimately meaningless.

Be anonymous within and without, free of all claims.


* * * *

How would any of this be if the awareness you truly are were not bound to the mind-body,

If you were not attached to all the notions inspired by the sensory dream.

The universe did not exist before the unborn was born.

It will not exist after the unborn dies.

Die to it now.

Eternal life is yours for the being.


* * * *

An indifferent mind is a reflection of the indifferent awareness.

And the eternal mystery from which it all indifferently emanates.


* * * *

Everything you experience,

Everything you see, hear, smell, touch, taste,

Adds to the frame of reference from which it is eternally witnessed.


* * * *

What is it to awaken, to realize, but to become very still, very attentive,

To the eternal awareness you truly are, have ever been, and will ever be.


* * * *

Eternal peace is merging into the indivisibly, the aloneness, free of attributes.

Giving the world no thought: some call it heaven, some call it madness.

What matter what any other thinks, what any other believes?


* * * *

In truth, you have no past, you have no future.

You are but a subjective dream of consciousness, of imagination.

There is only now, there is only awareness, there is only quantum, there is only eternity,

Timelessly witnessing an indivisible, kaleidoscoping, sensory play.


* * * *

Your world, your cosmos, your dream, is an imaginary invention,

Founded upon the sensory input, as interpreted by your patterned mind.

However you see anything unfolding, is what it is, always was, and will ever be.

Whatever you imagine others think, they think; whatever you imagine others do, they do.

You are perceiver, witness, observer, viewer, watcher, eyewitness, onlooker, bystander, ogler, spectator.

You are the one and only awareness, acting out a programmed, conditioned, habituated persona.

Immortally absolute, indelibly sovereign, timelessly unconditional, eternally indivisible,

And unutterably, irrefutably alone, in your center stage of Self-consciousness.


* * * *

We are all the same oneness playing out the parts, the same oneness playing out the many.

We are all a kaleidoscoping hologram of inestimable, immeasurable, infinite proportion,

A quantum matrix emanating a dream of time in the timeless indivisibility of eternity.


* * * *

Complete, unconditional, unadorned vulnerability is the means to nirvana.

To give your self over to Self, to set the body-mind adrift in awareness,

Is the discerning tap of the Ruby Slippers that will get you home.

Eternity is now, there is no other, nothingness is as apparent as it gets.


* * * *

The ever-motionless awareness of the eternal mind

Is prior to all movement of consciousness,

And the myriad attachments therein.


* * * *

To be caught in the web of time

Is to play out the death born of imagination.

Only in the timelessness of eternal awareness can existence

Be as real as the quantum dreamtime allows.


* * * *

In any given twinkling, it does not matter how you play out your reverie of time.

It does not matter whether you were good or not, smart or not, happy or not, earnest or not,

Passionate or not. productive or not, powerful or not, wealthy or not, famous or not, beautiful or not.

The timeless awareness does not care one scintilla about you, or anyone or anything else.

We are all but temporal quantum forms in the grand nothingness of eternity.


* * * *

It is only imagination that feels happy or sorry or anything else, for its imaginary self.

Imagination ever-translating the ever-streaming sensory perceptions

Into endless shades of emotional gratification.

How can the timeless awareness prior to consciousness,

Feel anything for the still emptiness from which it springs eternal?


* * * *

Truth is not an idea; it is not tangible.

It is the intrinsic, indivisible, inviolable thread

Within the stillness of each and every timeless moment

Prior to any and every quantum dimension.

And those rare few who discern it

Live life eternal.


* * * * 

Discern the primordial awareness prior to consciousness.

Stay with that timeless moment, that stillness,

And know the serenity of eternity.


* * * *

Nirvana is just giving your mind

Over to the timeless mystery of awareness;

Dissolving back into the eternal now you ever truly are.


* * * *

All creation, all universes, have come and gone in the same everlasting, undying, unending,

Perpetual, endless, ceaseless, timeless, interminable, infinite, immortal,

Never-ending, transient, temporary, eternal instant.


* * * *

You need not allow the world into your eternal sovereignty,

Unless you feel like being mesmerized by the quantum illusion,

And all the habituated conditioning it has in the given mind stirred.


* * * *

What ever-present instant is not of eternity?

Only the countless dualistic notions of consciousness,

With all its delusions born of desire and fear,

Would have you believe otherwise.


* * * *

Is your inner default setting consciousness or awareness?

Are you the imaginary figment, the mortal you?

Or are you the eternal immortal You?


* * * *

Eternal life, eternal awareness is ever-present, undying, unending, timeless process .

The sage stares at a rock, and sees the rock anew each and every eternal moment. 

* * * *

A moment is only wasted

If you fail to give it full attention free of recollection.

History is written by the living dead.

Eternal life is now.


* * * *

Time rises and falls in every mind,

And is but a biological mutation in the evolution of humankind.

It does not truly exist as anything more than the mind-made, imaginary notion of consciousness.

There is only this now … and now this now … and now this now … and now this now …

An immeasurable quantum matrix, ever-kaleidoscoping, eternally indivisible.


* * * *

Eternity, the mystery that is prior to consciousness, is immaculate, unblemished, spotless,

Unsullied, undefiled, untarnished, perfect, flawless, faultless, pure, pristine,

Impeccable, stainless, pure, virtuous, incorrupt, above reproach.

The so-called Original Sin is really about separation,

About being born into the dream of time,

About being born into mind.

And given that there is no choice in the matter,

Given that no creature has ever had any voice in its being born,

What sin, what wickedness, what offense, what estrangement, can there truly be?

To be timelessly present is to erase all notions that inspire the insipidity of creeds across the world.


* * * *

The timeless awareness of eternity is unconcerned what you do with your dream of time.

Only human vanity – egocentric, ethnocentric, geocentric, heliocentric – believes otherwise.


* * * *

You are not a noun: a person, a place, a thing.

Nor are you a verb: an action, a state, an occurrence.

You are, and you have always been, and you will always be,

The stillness of eternal, immortal, absolute awareness,

Witnessing the ever-kaleidoscoping quantum play.


* * * *

The stillness, the eternal life of the awareness prior to consciousness,

What more could you possibly be than the supreme virtue of the eternal unicity?

Will there come a moment when you never again subscribe to the manifest quantum matrix?

Will there come a moment when the mind born of time no longer calls you?


* * * *

The sensory mind-body evolved in DNA’s quest to continue,

To survive the creation, to abide the quantum field.

The vehicle you occupy is the result of that ever-present eternal dance,

And whether or not you continue to pass on that dream-state is a decision only time will tell.


* * * *

In the no-mind, there is no history, there is no buddha, there is no you.

There is merely the eternal awareness, the ever-present, indivisible now.


* * * *

So much more knowledge with each and every passing moment.

To let go, to forget, is the challenge of the mind that would be eternal.


* * * *

Perfection in consciousness is but an ideal.

There are pluses and minuses to practically everything,

Unless you are Mary Poppins or some other imaginary fabrication.

Only in the indivisible nothingness of eternal awareness can perfection be realized.


* * * *

Your personality, all you imagine yourself to be and not be, is born of desire and fear.

To be free, to abide vulnerably in awareness, you must still all thought,

And merge back into the timelessness of eternity.

To do so is to be born again into the indelible indivisibility,

Into the absoluteness, into the mystery that is prior to consciousness.


* * * *

The world spins and spins and spins.

The cosmos glimmers and glimmers and glimmers.

And you, unmoving witness through all eternity, through all eyes.

Naught but awareness: indivisible, immortal, immaculate.


* * * *

In every mind across the manifest board,

The ethereal winds of imagination huff and puff helter-skelter

In their own little singular double-double-toil-and-trouble bubbles of space and time.

The world, the cosmos, the unicity, is ever eternally unmoved, indifferent,

To all the self-absorbed dramas of the human paradigm.


* * * *

The moment is ever-fresh, ever-anew,

But are you clear enough, attentive enough,

To imbibe fully the eternal upwelling?


* * * * 

Humankind has always been about making into its own image, into its own imagination,

That which has no image, that which is eternally faceless, that which is eternally nameless.


* * * *

The newborn knows nothing of space and time, knows nothing of any other,

And it is the longing to rediscover the timeless birthright, the no-mind of awareness,

That calls cosmic seekers few and far between to quest without and within,

Until they are reborn into the stillness of eternity’s quantum womb.


* * * *

Eternal awareness is the state

Of those who have shed name and identity,

Of the rare few who bear no memory of that needing none.


* * * *

The quest for truth, the quest for eternal nature,

May be less about discovering something else,

May be less about experiencing some higher state,

Than it is simply unchaining from everything imaginable.


* * * *

The quest for the eternal, journeys a long and winding Yellow Brick Road,

In which there nothing is to be had, in which there is nothing is to be un-had.


* * * *

A window of mind.

A window of space and time.

A window of eternity.


* * * *

Those who fathom eternal life abide artlessly in the ever-present moment.

To embrace the duality of space-time and all the assumptions of identification,

Is but the living death fashioned by the usurpation of awareness by consciousness.


* * * *

The awareness you are observes the body breathing in, breathing out.

The awareness you are observes the mind thinking this, thinking that.

The awareness you are, call it what you will: observer, watcher, witness;

Always ever-present, always motionless, always changeless, always ageless.

An eternal mystery traveling dreams of time in mortal patterns of every hue.


* * * *

Eternal life is awareness of the awareness.

Enlightenment is awakening to the awareness.
Liberation is wandering the awareness.
Nirvana is being the awareness.

* * * *

How can there be karma if you are nothing more than the eternal moment?

Karma is but another illusory, another imaginary notion,

Playing in the smoke of the given mind. 


* * * *

Soul |sōl| noun … is defined as the spiritual or immaterial part

Of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

Part? What part? How can it be a part?

Let us not confuse that which is indivisibly, immortally eternal

With the imaginary personality, the trite character born of time-bound consciousness.

Let us not fall into the egocentric trap that its ephemeral nature

Is anything that is in any way exclusionary.


* * * *

To be that which is prior to consciousness,

To be that which is but unending awareness,

To be that which is nada-nil-zilch nothingness,

To be that is to be the eternal unicity in all:

Omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.


* * * *

Where would time be without stars and sun and moon?

Without the tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock of clocks on walls?

Without ever-changing digital numbers scribing silent screens?

What is time but a mind-made collusion pretending eternity is real?


* * * *

In the tale “The Emperor's New Clothes,” a tale of a vain king swept up by a deceitful notion,

The young child, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense,

Cries out the truth no one else dared: "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"

And if you step back a bit, you will clearly see the human paradigm

Is based entirely on the vanity-vanity-all-is-vanity trickery of consciousness,

An imaginary dreamtime reality to which eternal truth has no allegiance, whatsoever.


* * * *

Eternity whisks away every footstep without thought, without remorse.

Only the sensory mind bound to the dream of time imagines any of it real.


* * * *

Wisdom is the distillation of all the ecstasies and agonies

That have brought you to this point in the eternity of time.


* * * *

Awareness is the baseline of all consciousness,

No matter the manifestation, no matter the dimension.

Prior to that eternal stillness, that timeless now, naught but mystery.


* * * *

Eternity does not at all careen or lurch.

It does not sputter, it does not shake.

It does not jerk, it does not strain.

It does not stick, it does not slip.

It does not tick, it does not  tock.

It does not do anything but be exactly what it is,

Which is to stream, to emanate, smoother than silk in every way imaginable.


* * * *

Eternal life is not something remembered, not something born of the mind in time.

It is merely being the timeless awareness, the timeless nowness, the timeless emptiness, you truly are.

There is nothing to become, nothing to prove, nothing to maintain, nothing to pretend.

To be in that state of timeless quietude is to be all there is to be.


* * * *

You have played out every conceivable mythological role:

God, Allah, Brahmin, Tao, Buddha, Christ, and on and on ad infinitum.

None of them are anything more than collusions born of the idolatrous monkey-mind.

Let them all go, give Self over to the eternal awareness prior to all naming, prior to all imagination.

There absolutely is no need to be, to pretend anything more than the timeless stillness,

The quantum indivisibility you are, have ever been, and will ever be.


* * * *

The source for one is the source for all,

Which means in the ever-changing quantum theater,

All things great to small are ever consuming, ever being consumed.

It is an eternal, indivisible, kaleidoscoping, one-in-all-all-in-one, god-eat-god reality.





The genetic lottery has been DNA’s eternal dice roll since its inception.


* * * *

Much easier to worship idols and follow someone else’s law than it is to discern eternity within.


* * * *

Ever as inexplicable as it has ever been to eyes that see, ears that hear, one minds, eternal.


* * * *

Mastery of breath is the link to eternal life.


* * * *

What time could ever be outside eternity?


* * * *

Even just one moment of the eternal mind transcend all time.


* * *

The eternal life is about being fully attentive, with your entire being, to the fleeting moment.


* * * *

Neither existence nor non-existence are of the eternal moment.


* * * *

The eternal life cannot be had by the mind a-swirl.


* * * *

A tiny view is only made infinitesimally tinier in the reflection of eternity.


* * * *

To transcend death, you must discern the eternal life you have ever been.


* * * *

Wisdom is the coin of eternity.


* * * *

Eternity is an awfully long timeless to stay still, ergo, genesis.


* * * *

Freedom is just a word, eternal awareness its only reality.


* * * *

In all futures past and all pasts future, you ever are the same eternal nowness.


* * * *

The eternal moment perceives no wind, no attributes, whatsoever.


* * * *

What is consciousness but eternity playing in time.


* * * *

Eternity is free, and spent before you know it.


* * * *

Letting go of everything is the living death of eternal life.


* * * *

Eternity cannot be discerned through the veil of time.


* * * *

A mind washed free of its chatter is a mind in which the eternal life like a lotus abides.


* * * *

The seeker who discerns and abides that which is sought attains the peace of the eternal mind.


* * * *

Dissolve into the one mind where awareness is the eternal all and nothing.


* * * *

If you wander the given moment untrammeled by thought, where are you but the eternal?


* * * *

Neither young nor old, eternally unborn you are.


* * * *

It is always the first time in the sunshine of the eternal mind.


* * * *

The eternal awareness, is prior to manifestation, prior to consciousness.


* * * *

Time is death, life is eternal.


* * * *

Eternity is an indifferent bull ride upon which no form long stays astride.


* * * *

What can exist without the mind melding its eternal creation.


* * * *

In the expanses of eternity, no sound long echoes.


* * * *

Everything appears and disappears within the indivisibility in which all eternally abide.


* * * *

The veil of space-time masks the stillness in which it eternally emanates.


* * * *

Even the most impenetrable rock cannot withstand eternity for more than an instant.


* * * *

Eternal life is yours for the being.


* * * *

Words are such inadequate tools for such an eternal task.


* * * *

With every breath, another note in eternity’s magnum opus.


* * * *

Glimpses of eternity are gleaned by the finite mind through a sensory fog.


* * * *

You are but a slice of eternity’s indivisible electromagnetic rainbow.


* * * *

What is eternal life but being born again and again and again each and every moment.


* * * *

The remorseless tick-tick-tick measures eternity real.


* * * *

Eternity does not even give a shrug whether you brand it with some conceptualized sound, or not.


* * * *

Behind the eyes, the stillness of eternal awareness, if the frontal lobe can allow it.


* * * *

Awareness is awareness: Unborn, undying, eternally present, timelessly ephemeral.


* * * *

There is no before, there is no after, in the clarity of eternal awareness.


* * * *

Eternal life, ain’t it grand?


* * * *

The pleasant boredom of eternal presence.


* * * *

Existence is but a relatively brief hiccup in an otherwise non-existent eternity.


* * * *

The price of the ticket to eternity is your mind.


* * * *

You are a portal, a wormhole, to eternity.


* * * *

Eternal life is being mindful in an empty-mind sort of way.


* * * *

Eternal life, what is it but awareness, what is it but the undying moment.


* * * *

What need for dogma when you have eternal life.


* * * *

It is your eternal life; best pay reasonably close attention while it lasts.


* * * *

What is eternal life but this very moment in awareness you are.


* * * *

A mind at peace with its Self, abides in the eternity of awareness.


* * * *

A mind given over to eternity is no mind at all.





How often these little ditties, when they do not come out practically camera-ready,

End up transmuting into something very-if-not-entirely different,

As they stream from eternity into time.


* * * *

These many thoughts come from where everything comes:

The mystery, the enigma, the unknown; call it whatever you will,

You impromptu players, you jazz cats, of the eternal stage.


* * * *

No, this human drama is not going to end

With some Hollywood-Bollywood happy ending.

More likely a stark, dystopian, existential no man's land.

And that is from an eternal optimist’s point of view.


* * * *

Looking forward to oblivion and some good eternal snooze time.


* * * *

The eternal historian.


* * * *

An apologist for eternity,

A reluctant prophet, indeed.


* * * *

Yet another eternal scribe of the third kind.


* * * *

These many thoughts

Have been scribed through me,

The me that is in all things, including you.

It is only through this me, the me that is also in you,

That the vast awareness which is eternal,

That which has many names,

Can be discerned.


* * * *

This teensy-weensy slice of eternity is enough for this eye.


* * * *

To wake up as many times as possible,

Before the final breath wanes,

Is this mind’s Soul goal,

Until eternal sleep,

Sets its final course adieu.


* * * *

Another day of kickin’ and scratchin’ and bitin and whinin’,

And unleashing blood-curdling howls and wretched moans,

As eternity slowly drags me back to its unearthly domain.


* * * *

Nothing is wanted for you but that you be eternally, happily content.

There is nothing here but compassion for your unnecessary plight.


* * * *

These writings have absolutely no connection or allegiance

To any organized religion or philosophy, that has ever, or will ever, come to light.

They are reflections of a solitary sojourn into eternal reunion,

And there are no rules in a knife fight.


* * * *

Many thoughts have been set down in these rambling pages.

But it has never been easy to remain in that eternal state of awareness.

Best wishes to any who peruse this and other similar works,

And are drawn to explore the path less traveled.


* * * *

I am the son of eternity, as are you if it is your fate to discern it.


* * * *

Soon enough, I shall join the graveyard of dead philosophers,

And all this absurd babble will play to what end, I need neither know nor care.

Likely as not, it will evaporate back into the prior-to-consciousness abyss, relatively undiscerned,
And the human species shall continue racing madly toward the dualistic destiny,
Ordained by its vanity-laced Darwinian genomic predisposition,
Which is so oh-well-so-it-goes-deal-with-it-get-over-it-move-on the way it is,
In the grand schemelessness of all things manifestly grist-for-the-mill eternally indivisible.




The Corollaries of Yaj Ekim


Alexander Pope’s ‘An Essay on Man’:

Hope springs eternal.

Yaj Ekim’s Corollary:

Hope springs delusional.



Possible Last Words & Epitaphs



No more tomorrow, no more yesterday,

Naught but the unborn eternal.

Yay oh yay oh yay.


* * * *

Eternity or bust



Standout Duplicates

Used in “The Stillness Before Time” 2017 Revision/Expansion



Nothing wrought of this quantum genesis is ultimately real.

Everything is imagined, everything is dreamily timeless.

All indivisibly appearing, all indivisibly disappearing,

Within and without the eternal matrix of awareness.


* * * *

The eternal quest for understanding,

For emancipation from that which is known,

Is a convoluted, subtle, puzzling, chess-like maze,

A timeless game of strategic and tactical finesse,

Which only the most earnest discern and mate.


* * * *

When one surrenders to insight, eternity emerges:

Infinite, timeless, pathless, unencumbered, serene.


* * * *

Continuity is illusion, a subtle trick of memory, of imagination.

The indivisible waves of reality timelessly break ever anew.


* * * *

Supreme being, or supreme beingness?


* * * *

Some answers are too large for any questions.


* * * *

You suffer the linear continuity of time and space

Because your view of awareness is locked

Into a constricted conscious identity

That is not, has never been,

Will never be, real.


* * * *

Neither birth nor death can touch what is real.


* * * *

What unutterable vanity to believe that this timeless quantum mystery

Needs to be, much less can be, systematized into any so-called religion.


* * * *

Words can only feebly point out the one and only way.

The discernment of their meaning is prior to all concept.


* * * *

Avoid moral dilemmas and quagmires.

Good and evil are the stillborn of duality.


* * * *

Though all that is, is the unicity of the great quantum dreamtime,

Few deeply discern the ever-present, unborn-undying state.

Many are called, few are chosen, fewer still volunteer.


* * * *

Any given mythos may try to explain the journey,

But none can convey any to where all paths end.


* * * *

Prior to consciousness, prior to the sensory theater,

The stillness before time is what you every moment are.


* * * *

Free your Self of the notion of original sin, that you were born evil.

It is nothing more than an idea inspired by ignorance, by greed, by the need to control,

That the pure awareness you most definitely are, did not choose at birth.

There is no sin, no iniquity, only dualistic whimsy.


* * * *

The mind-body is a temporal vessel of finite patterning,

In which the infinite has potential to consciously manifest.


* * * *

The part is never apart from the whole.



Standout Duplicates from “The Return to Wonder”


Chapter One


Nothing wrought of this quantum genesis is ultimately real.

Everything is imagined, everything is dreamily timeless.

All indivisibly appearing, all indivisibly disappearing,

Within and without the eternal matrix of awareness.


Chapter Two


The eternal quest for understanding,

For emancipation from that which is known,

Is a convoluted, subtle, puzzling, chess-like maze,

A timeless game of strategic and tactical finesse,

Which only the most earnest discern and mate.


* * * *

When one surrenders to insight, eternity emerges:

Infinite, timeless, pathless, unencumbered, serene.


* * * *

The quest for eternal freedom requires great courage.

The oblivion of identity, simple as it is,

Is not easily realized.


* * * *

Nothing is lost, nothing is forgotten.

Each alone must search for it, each alone must discern it.

Each alone must let go of all that is known, release all that is held near and dear,

To realize the eternal truth that must forever remain unknown.


Chapter Three


In the ultimate eternal infinity of reality, each of us our own law.

In the club and fang of this mortal garden, however,

That is entirely a relative matter.



Chapter Four


All distinctions, though seemingly real, are ultimately illusory,

A vast eternal play of light and shadow imagining itself,

On the kaleidoscoping screen of consciousness.


* * * *

The quest for eternal freedom takes you to an arena

Few have the insight, discernment, or courage to explore.


* * * *

Circumstance frames each of us to play out one identity or another.

In discerning this truth clearly, you can rediscover reality,

And in that reality, eternal life, eternal freedom.


* * * *

Detachment comes with understanding, illumination with the liberation of eternity.


* * * *

The promise of permanence is a mythological weaving born of mind.

No manifestation can resist the kaleidoscoping nature of isness.

Only in the original state can the eternal reality be fathomed.


Chapter Six


Your eyes, when seen impersonally,

Are just one set of those beyond number,

In eternity's well-trod, ever-present witnessing.


* * * *

No one observing you will ever see much.

You function and interact habitually,

Completing all required tasks,

In much the same mode as before.

It is only within, out of exterior viewing,

That the absoluteness disclosures its handiwork,

The ineffable nature of its eternally timeless moment.


Chapter Seven


Any attempt to fill the void is futile

And only prolongs unnecessary suffering.

Aloneness should be savored like premium wine.

Learning to waft in your eternal vintage is the challenge.


* * * *

It takes a great deal of discerning courage

To be vulnerable, unconditional, intelligent, content, total,

To allow no phenomena to deter opening your heart and mind to eternity.


* * * *

To be ensnared in the web of identity is unequivocal misery.

To believe the temporal mind-body personality real and lasting,

What an arbitrary, confining impingement upon the eternal spirit.


* * * *

Travel as far as the farthest reaches allow,

That which is absolute, that which is eternal,

Is ever the space prior to all imaginary pursuit.


* * * *

In the quest of your eternal nature,

There is no good-old-boy authority network.

You are the soul author of your dreamtime universe.


* * * *

So many try to change themselves into someone else’s ideal.

See the complete falseness of trying to duplicate anyone else's journey.

This discernment of the awareness, this insight into the eternal, cannot be imitated.


* * * *

Surrender all you think you are, and what is left is the harmony of eternity.


Chapter Eight


The dreamtime river is an ever-flowing quantum matrix.

Though mind may attempt to dam it, to channel it,

Or to encase it until it wallows in stagnation,

It ever remains eternally unconstrained.


* * * *

To flow in the symphony of isness

Is to know the serenity of eternity.

It is as simple as the next breath.


* * * *

You are ultimately alone in this eternal journey.

At best another can only offer some hints and urge you on.

You must blaze it anew in whatever way you will.


* * * *

When you came into this garden through your mother's womb,

You and all the other creatures knew only the concord of eternity.

You consumed the harvest of knowledge and lost sight of its source.

The so-called beasts still reside in there, awaiting your timeless return.


* * * *

The point of all this is to help you learn

To tap your own eternal nature.

That all your vain divisions are illusory,

That your sense of duality is utterly fabricated.

Examine closely everything you have ever been told.

To fully own this, you must be in revolution to the very core.


* * * *

Every culture creates an ethos to perpetuate its continuity.

Identification with any mindset, any tradition, is inevitably a quagmire.

To become eternally boundless, to realize absolute nature, to become the cosmic dance,

Discern that all mythos is nothing more than vain, arbitrary fabrication.


* * * *

All are free to drink fully from the eternal reservoir.

How thirsty any are, is really the first and last question.


* * * *

To quaff at the trough of eternity without sharing

Does not seem to be the nature of the indivisible.


Chapter Nine


The eternal salvation so many claim

Remains up to you to discover and recover.

Following some guide up an arduous mountain pass

Still requires that you undertake the journey very much alone.


* * * *

You are on your own.

The eternal is yours to tap.

The keys are your heart and mind,

And your unwillingness to settle for lies.


* * * *

To discern heaven, you may well long and far traverse purgatory,

That which this temporal enterprise oftentimes appears to be,

Until, within and without, you awaken to its eternal reality.


* * * *

All the imagination in the universe

Cannot project itself into either past or future.

The eternal here now is the only time there has ever been.


Chapter Ten


Using some confining, dogmatic, pointlessly hollow concept of god,

To endure, to stomach, the day-to-day time-bound mundane,

Does not make anyone more spiritual or transcendent,

Than they and everyone and everything else,

Every indivisible eternal moment is.


* * * *

Never disbelieve or deny another's experience.

Just because it has not yet been discerned within your realm

Does not mean anything is not perhaps possible.

You are the eternal proof of that.


* * * *

Coming to grips with the eternal nature is rarely as simple as it is.


* * * *

Do not hope for a better time.

Heaven's eternal way will ever be now.

Hope only puts off the realization of the unfolding.


* * * *

Eternity begins and ends this moment,

A birthright most are far-removed from ever knowing,

And even fewer tap with their whole being.


* * * *

To give over, to relinquish one’s existence

To fully discerning the awareness, the godness within,

There is no greater actuality, no superior truth,

Than opening the portal to the eternal.


Chapter Eleven


Those who quest that which is true will discern it written about in many teachings.

But to actually be the awareness is to look prior to mere belief and faith.

Union with that which is absolute, that which is eternally real,

Is far more than hollow superstition and idolatry.


* * * *

At some point in some given hereness-nowness,

Some minds undergo a crisis, a watershed, of consciousness,

And begin a long and winding and solitary divergence toward eternal reunion.


* * * *

For the rare few, mind is a quantum seed that sprouts and grows,

Flowering into timeless realization, eternal liberation,

Conscious awareness of the original nature.


* * * *

Any given mind-body experiencing offers its own means to the eternal.

It will be realized by earnest seekers in every time, in every space, imaginable.

There is really only one Way, but there are any number of pathless paths to discern it.


* * * *

The countless abuses of affluence have ever been set before you.

Those whose greed helms their destiny have neither heart nor mind for eternity.

Their absorption with gold and other shiny things blinds them to the reality of the. Mystery.


Chapter Twelve


You are a human being by design only,

And from the eternal perspective,

Fads change very quickly.


* * * *

Own your given virtue, your given quality.

Put behind you all guilt, all hesitation, all remorse.

Rest content in the serene indivisibility.

You are eternally absolved.


* * * *

The god state is a persevering realization

And you will absorb the conviction

Sooner than you may think.

After all, there is eternity to play.


* * * *

Admission to eternity will cost you everything you hold dear, chiefly your mind.


Chapter Thirteen


The still point now, ever fresh,

Is the boundless spring of the eternal,

The dawn of creation and dusk of destruction.

It is where pleasure and pain, cause and effect are not.

It is where the timelessness of awareness streams conscious.


* * * *

Judgment is an act of separation.

Discern the indivisible awarenesss,

And the weighing will dissolve eternal.


* * * *

Sex and the countless other pleasures of the senses

Take a back seat when contrasted to this reunion within.

What earthly pleasure can possibly match eternal salvation?


* * * *

The senses are merely specialized nerve endings

Evolved though eternity’s quantum orchestration.


* * * *

The eternity of time traverses all creation.


* * * *

The eternal ether courses through the veins of the river of creation,


Chapter Fifteen


The fountain of youth is the eternal spring within.


* * * *

Be of good cheer at the demise of your identification with the body-mind.

You are at last eternally free of the many constraints of human concoction.


* * * *

Those rare beings who discover the false separation of the universe within,

Free themselves of all binds in the realm of conscious awareness.

Through their eternal freedom heaven opens to the manifest.


* * * *

To be eternally reborn, to never perish again, you must die to what never was.


* * * *

If you understand science and its methodology,

You know it has been proven beyond all doubt that all is one,

And that you are an equal part of that oneness,

Witness to its eternal mystery.


Chapter Sixteen


Pure eternal awareness is the common ground for all


* * * *

Even just one life, no matter the role played, is an eternal epic.


* * * *

Do not confuse aloneness with loneliness; the latter is time-bound, the former eternal.


* * * *

Dive beneath the choppy waves of the mind's reefs,

Into the silent, serene depths of eternal beingness.


* * * *

You are an eternal mixture of clay and gold, both mundane and extraordinary.


* * * *

It is the indivisible awareness,

The quantum nothingness of eternity,

That is the essence of all things.



Leftovers Added to “The Return to Wonder”


Chapter One


Male and female merge in the throes of sexual ecstasy.

In the quiet tempest of goo, two fertile eggs unite.

In the mystery of the woman’s dark womb,

In the eternal stillness before time,

The seed grows, forms into life.

Out comes an organism,

Wired for a fate yet unknown,

Into a universe of its own conception.


Chapter Two


Every moment springing simultaneously anew within the indivisible quantum matrix.

All its concoctions, all its innumerable forms, ever the same source,

Ever the same awareness, ever the same you-ness,

Ever the same boggling mystery.

How astounding this indelible Song of Godness,

This eternal eye gazing out the masks and veils of manifestation.


* * * *

Awareness is the “awakeness” of all living creations,

Of the indivisible quantum matrix, the stardust, come to “life.”

It is the eternal eye of the unknown prior to all manifestation ever-changing,

And whatever dreams they in spontaneous combustion may inspire.


Chapter Four


It can indeed be a long and winding and oft times lonely road

Until you discern the matrix through which all time-bound linear notions wander,

Is, has ever been, will ever be, eternal aloneness unto thy Self.


Chapter Ten


None are islands in this finite, temporal, mortal dream of time.

Only in eternal awareness are all worlds, all universes, undone.


Chapter Eleven


What is any word but a stagnant thing

Without the dynamic of the eternal moment

Beneath the wave upon which it surfs.


Chapter Twelve


To give attention to the ephemeral eternal moment

Is a busy-busy, measuring-measuring mind’s most arduous task.

The imaginary past and its countless projected futures stoke far too much passion

For the quietude of eternity to be allotted its true autonomy.


* * * *

What is evolution but the unknowable,

The creation, the preservation, the destruction,

The selecting, the pruning, the thinning, the harvesting,

The ever-changing nature of matter and motion, energy and force,

In the dance, the play, the lila, of eternal space and time.

An indivisible, boundless, quantum billiard table,

With neither beginning nor end nor middle,

Witnessed each and every moment,

In every imaginable way,

By the awareness you truly are.


Chapter Thirteen


Only in the stillness of eternal life,

Of the awareness prior to all things imagined,

Is there freedom from the myriad vanities of consciousness.


* * * *

There are those rare who dwell in the momentary awareness,

Those who dwell in discernment, those who dwell in the eternal mind,

Insight is its own law, neither bowing to authority, nor subscribing to dogma.


Chapter Fourteen


What does it truly mean to be one with the oneness?

Completely free, completely alone, completely eternal.


* * * *

This universe is merely a temporary theater,

But the you that you really are is real,

Immortal, and free for all eternity.


Chapter Sixteen


The hologram born of imagination is discerned complete

When the awareness you believe a separate you

Fully realizes that its true, ultimate nature

Is the infinite, eternal oneness.


* * * *

Yet another dogmatic, idolatrous, cultish hoax played out as religion.

Why waste any eternal breath attempting to convince others,

Of that which is obvious to those who are not blind?


* * * *

You have pretended it all matters long enough.

Feel free to take a long vacation,

An eternal holiday,

From this theater of the absurd.



Soundbites Added to “The Return to Wonder”



Chapter One


You are nothing but a dream of the absolute, to fathom its eternal fathomlessness.



Leftovers and Soundbites

Transferred to “The Return to Wonder”

from “Breadcrumbs 2019” and All Future Times Beyond



Chapter 250


How many ways there are to cut the eternal pie.


Chapter 251


Gaia is a dream world of eternity.


* * * *

You are but a brief mortal dream of the immortality of eternity.


* * * *

The mind stilled by full attention merges into eternity.


* * * *

Yes, there is eternal life, but it is nothing you think.


Chapter 255


Vanity-vanity-all-is-vanity, except for pure awareness of the eternal kind.


Chapter 257


Eternity is all, attached to none.


Chapter 259


Yet another edifice of mind for eternity to unravel.


Chapter 260


Truth does not exist because the eternal moment it is, is not.


Chapter 261


The infringement of imagination is an infraction upon your eternal nature.


Chapter 262


There is no other, only you, ethereally eternal, forever present.


Chapter 263


For all eternity, for all time, two very different states of consciousness.


* * * *

Sand is gold, and gold is sand, in the indivisible dust storm of eternity.


Chapter 264


Eternity does not care.


* * * *

To live as if it is not happening,

To abide in the emptiness of eternity,

Is the every-moment challenge of any seer.


Chapter 266


Eternity is closer than you think.


Chapter 267


Beneath the open mask of any newborn,

The untainted awareness, the untrammeled path,

The uncarved block, the tabula rasa, the stillness of eternity.


Chapter 268


Eternity is no more than a heartbeat away.


Chapter 271


The nothing of now, across the board, for all eternity.


Chapter 272


The fog of consciousness masks the eternal awareness, and time plays on.


Chapter 273


Watch and wait each and every eternal moment that full attention allows.



Leftovers and Soundbites Transferred

to “The Return to Wonder” from “Breadcrumbs 2018”


Chapter 282


What are the vanities, power and fame and fortune, but distractions

From the source of all that is mystery, all that is unknown, all that is eternal.

The impenetrable, ineffaceable, indivisible awareness that is timelessly ever-present.


Chapter 283


However immeasurable the universe and all its creations,

It ever begins with the eternal awareness you are right now.



Soundbites Transferred to “The Return to Wonder”

from “Breadcrumbs” (Chapters 301, 302, 303)


Chapter 283


Happiness is in the unassailable awareness within each and every eternal moment.


* * * *

Sip eternity’s infinite elixir.


Chapter 285


The grace of eternal life is in each and every breath, each and every step.


Chapter 287


What does it mean, eternity begins when you die?


Chapter 288


Undying, this eternal mind born of time.


Chapter 294


Bliss is the eternal orgasm.


* * * *

Equanimity is the eternal balance between body, mind, heart and Soul.


Chapter 297


Introspection, eternally pointless.


Chapter 299


Breathe in, breath out, eternal life, now.